Help us empower underprivileged children, adults, and communities in Guatemala

Where God’s love shines brightly, igniting hope and creating a path towards a brighter, more promising tomorrow for every soul that graces Centro de Alcance El Pueblito Center.

In the heart of Santa Catarina Pinula, a beacon of hope and transformation known as Centro de Alcance El Pueblito Center stands as a testament to God’s love and compassion. The Center opens its doors to around 325 children, each with their unique struggles and challenges. Within the confines of its humble rented house, the Center offers a haven of warmth and support, providing open spaces for joyous outdoor activities, vibrant classrooms that hold endless possibilities, and essential facilities for their comfort. It is here, amidst the trials faced by these children from low-income families, that the Centers unwavering belief in the power of God’s love takes root, fostering healing and restoration.

Make A Meaningful Difference Through Your Generous Contributions

Become a Supporter

$45 / Month

Become a Partner

$90 / Month

Become a Champion

$185 / Month

Become a Patron


What We Do

Key services provided by Centro de Alcance El Pueblito Center include


Given the low educational success in the area, the center places a significant emphasis on tutoring services. Many of the children face challenges in their academic journey, often due to limited resources and parental education levels. To address this, the Center offers educational support to help children excel in their studies.

Adult Education Program

Recognizing that many parents or guardians of the children have not completed their elementary or middle school education, the center offers an adult education program. This initiative is crucial in empowering adults to improve their literacy and job prospects

Support for Low-Income Families

Most of the children at Centro de Alcance come from low-income families, where parents or guardians often lack stable employment. The center aims to alleviate some of the financial burdens by providing various forms of assistance and support.

Health and Well-being

Due to the challenging living conditions in their homes, children at the center frequently experience digestive and respiratory illnesses. The center likely provides some form of health and hygiene education, as well as access to basic healthcare services or referrals to address these issues

Partnership with His Hands Church

The collaboration with His Hands Church is significant, as it allows the children at Centro de Alcance to experience growth not only in their physical and academic aspects but also in their spiritual and emotional well-being. The involvement of the church community likely provides additional resources and support to enhance the children’s overall development.

Community Partnership Program

How You Can Help

Welcome to our community partnership program, where you can make a meaningful difference through your generous contributions. We offer several partnership levels to suit your preferences and commitment to our cause. Whether you’re a dedicated supporter, a passionate partner, a true champion, or wish to customize your donation, there’s a place for you in our community of change-makers.

Partnership Levels

Supporter Level

As a Community Supporter, you play a pivotal role in strengthening our core mission. Your generous donation plays a direct role in shaping the lives of the children in El Pueblito.
It provides them with daily nourishment, a safe space for after-school activities, opportunities for spiritual growth through daily worship and devotionals, and crucial educational support. This holistic approach is critical in helping these children stay away from the streets and avoid involvement in gangs, offering them a path towards high school graduation—a milestone often out of reach for many in their circumstances.

$45 / Month

Partner Level

Take your commitment a step further as a Community Partner. Your donation helps us expand our reach and resources.

Ensuring that our programs under Community Supporter continues and help us add to our Volunteer stipend program, Youth programs, and provide their basic medical care, purchase of school materials, materials for Vacation Bible School.

$90 / Month

Champion Level

Embrace the role of a true Community Champion with your donation. At this level of support, you empower us to lead the way in comprehensive community development
Effecting lasting change for residents of El Pueblito. Your generous contribution goes a long way in helping us realize our Dream Budget for El Pueblito. This comprehensive budget encompasses salaries for our dedicated staff, overhead costs, and the ability to offer yearly School Supplies, additional programs such as Music Lessons, and an intensified Health Program. This Health Program provides essential vitamins, toiletry supplies, medical kits, and retreats for parents and guardians to explore spiritual and skill-based topics. It also creates a safe space for parents and guarding to share their struggles.

$185 / Month

Patron Level

Take your commitment a step further as a Community Partner. Your donation helps us expand our reach and resources.

Ensuring that our programs under Community Supporter continues and help us add to our Volunteer stipend program, Youth programs, and provide their basic medical care, purchase of school materials, materials for Vacation Bible School.


The Dream

The Dream Budget is a visionary and holistic financial plan that goes beyond simply addressing immediate needs.

It is a roadmap to create a thriving community where every member, young and old, can access education, spiritual growth, support, and a safe space to flourish.

Professional Teachers and Educational Reinforcement:

The Dream Budget allocates funds to hire professional teachers who specialize in working with children and youth. These educators play a pivotal role in providing tailored academic support, helping students with their schoolwork, and offering reinforcement education.

Youth Ministry Programs:

Within the Dream Budget, a significant portion is dedicated to Youth Ministry Programs. These programs are open to all the youth of the community, creating an inclusive environment where they can come together and explore spirituality.

Key components of the Youth Ministry Programs include:

  • Spiritual Growth: Youth are given the opportunity to learn about God’s love, spirituality, and values through engaging sessions and discussions. This fosters a sense of purpose and understanding among the youth.
  • Recreation and Fun: It’s essential for young individuals to enjoy their youth and have moments of joy. The budget allows for the organization of recreational activities, outings, and events that let the youth have fun and create cherished memories.
  • Support for Struggles: Life can present challenges, especially for young people. The Dream Budget includes provisions for offering emotional and practical support to youth facing difficulties at home or in their personal lives. This support may include counseling, mentoring, and guidance.

Safe and Nurturing Environment:

The Dream Budget prioritizes the creation of a safe and nurturing environment for all community members. This environment is not only physically safe but also emotionally and spiritually enriching. It serves as a sanctuary where youth and community members can find solace and encouragement.

Community-Wide Impact:

Beyond children and youth, the Dream Budget extends its reach to benefit the adults in the community of El Pueblito. It is designed to be all-encompassing, addressing the diverse needs and aspirations of community members.


The Dream Budget includes provisions for long-term sustainability. This ensures that the programs and services provided can continue to benefit the community for years to come. Sustainability measures may involve securing resources, training local personnel, and building community resilience.

Your support at the Community Supporter level and beyond plays a crucial role in turning this dream into a reality, making a profound and enduring impact on El Pueblito.

As a Jesus-following organization, our vision is to empower underprivileged children, adults, and communities in Guatemala through the transformative power of God’s love.

We are committed to building a better future by providing education, resources, and opportunities that enable individuals to rise above their current circumstances.

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